The four fundamentals of fleet management
What are the fleet management essentials that underpin safety and efficiency today, and tomorrow? We look at fit-for-purpose, utilisation, maintenance and driver management.
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New car supply problems won’t go away
New car shortages won’t get better anytime soon. To keep your business moving, you need to be flexible, creative, and plan further ahead than you ever have.
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Your fleet cheat sheet for rising insurance costs
A series of global events have led to the insurance industry experiencing considerable stress. Find tactics to help battle the rising costs.
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Are pool cars a more effective use of business vehicles?
How can you make your low km fleet assets work harder for you? We take a look at pool cars and how they might work for your organisation.
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Plan your move to an electric vehicle fleet
Lincoln De Kalb from SG Fleet offers some important advice on how to prepare your business for a switch to EVs, and why you must start planning now.
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Let SG Fleet show you the way to a lower emission future
Go electric